Implementation of the Saw Method to Discover the Optimum Internet Service Recommendations for Online Gaming
Gamers, Internet Provider, SAW MethodAbstract
Currently, the development and use of the Internet have a more complex function so that it can change the paradigm of people's lives, including in aspects of entertainment, especially games. With the rise of numerous ISPs in Indonesia, different internet service packages are now available, particularly for gamers, such as Indihome, Biznet, First Media, and My Republic. The variety of services makes it difficult for users to choose an internet package that suits their needs. Therefore, this research aims to build a decision support system that can facilitate users in choosing the ideal internet service for gamers based on five criteria: quota, network speed, connection, cost, and the number of users using the SAW method. The data collection methods used are observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The research results obtained from data processing using the SAW method through Microsoft Excel are then implemented into a website-based program. With this program, it is hoped that it can be a tool for users in determining the service package to be purchased.
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