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Jurnal Riset Informatika
All articles of Vol. 6. No. 3. June 2024 are accredited Sinta 4 based on the decision of the Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi Kementeran Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia No. 230/M/KPT/2022, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period IV of 2022. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 4, Number 3 in 2022 to Volume 9, Number 2 in 2027.
The articles in Jurnal Riset Informatika are written by lecturers and researchers from various universities in Indonesia. The authors are from the Universitas, Nusa Mandiri Jakarta, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia, and Universitas Siber Indonesia.
All articles of Vol. 6. No. 2. March 2024 are accredited Sinta 4 based on the decision of the Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi Kementeran Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia No. 230/M/KPT/2022, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period IV of 2022. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 4, Number 3 in 2022 to Volume 9, Number 2 in 2027.
Lecturers and researchers from various universities in Indonesia write the articles in Jurnal Riset Informatika. The authors are from the Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ”Veteran” Jakarta, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Telkom University, Universitas Pancasila, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, STMIK Widuri, Universitas Nasional, Altinbas University - Turkey.
All articles of Vol. 6. No. 1. December 2023 are accredited Sinta 4 based on the decision of the Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi Kementeran Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia No. 230/M/KPT/2022, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period IV of 2022. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 4, Number 3 in 2022 to Volume 9, Number 2 in 2027.
Lecturers and researchers from various universities in Indonesia write articles for Jurnal Riset Informatika. The authors are from the Universitas Nusa Mandiri, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, and Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
All articles of Vol. 5. No. 4. September 2022 are accredited Sinta 4 based on the decision of the Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi Kementeran Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia No. 230/M/KPT/2022, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period IV of 2022. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 4, Number 3 in 2022 to Volume 9, Number 2 in 2027.
The articles in Jurnal Riset Informatika are written by lecturers and researchers from various universities in Indonesia. The authors are from universities of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Bina Darma University, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Wastukancana
All articles of Vol. 5. No. 3. June 2022 are accredited Sinta 4 based on the decision of the Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi Kementeran Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia No. 230/M/KPT/2022, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period IV of 2022. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 4, Number 3 in 2022 to Volume 9, Number 2 in 2027.
The articles in Jurnal Riset Informatika are written by lecturers and researchers from various universities in Indonesia. The authors are from universities of Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Cyber University, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Universitas Mercu Buana, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Bina Nusantara University, Universitas Pancasila, Institut Teknologi Sapta Mandiri, Universitas Budi Luhur, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Universitas Nusa Mandiri, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, STMIK Royal Kisaran, Indonesia Cyber University, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, and University of Muhammadiyah Magelang,
All articles of Vol. 5. No. 2. March 2022 are accredited Sinta 4 based on the decision of the Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi Kementeran Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia No. 230/M/KPT/2022, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period IV of 2022. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 4, Number 3 in 2022 to Volume 9, Number 2 in 2027.
The articles in Jurnal Riset Informatika are written by lecturers and researchers from various universities in Indonesia. The authors are from universities of Universitas Nusa Mandiri, Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Universitas Mikroskil, Universitas Labuhanbatu, Universitas Pancasila, Universitas Budi Luhur, Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Universitas Nusa Mandiri, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Universitas Bung Karno, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, STAI Asy-Syukriyyah, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, and Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor.
All articles of Vol. 5. No. 1. December 2022 are accredited Sinta 4 based on the decision of the Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi Kementeran Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia No. 230/M/KPT/2022, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period IV of 2022. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 4, Number 3 in 2022 to Volume 9, Number 2 in 2027.
The articles in Jurnal Riset Informatika are written by lecturers and researchers from various universities in Indonesia. The authors are from universities of Universitas Nusa Mandiri, Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Universitas Mikroskil, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sumatera Utara, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik, STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita, Universitas Budi Luhur, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia, Universitas Pancasila, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, dan Universitas Labuhanbatu.
All articles of Vol. 4. No. 4. September 2022 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 4 (S4). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Kresnamedia. Telah terakreditasi SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika pada awalnya ditujukan untuk menampung karya tulis ilmiah dari para peneliti dan dosen program studi Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika. Frekuensi Terbit 3 bulan sekali (4 kali dalam setahun, yaitu Maret, Juni, September, dan Desember). ISSN (Tercetak): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topik yang akan diterbitkan oleh Jurnal Riset Informatika (JRI) berkaitan dengan akumulasi/akumulasi pengetahuan baru, pengamatan empiris atau hasil penelitian, dan pengembangan ide atau proposal baru. Naskah yang diterima akan tersedia secara online (akses gratis).
Semua artikel Vol. 1. No. 1 Tahun 2018 terakreditasi Sinta 3 berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200/M/KPT/2020, Peringkat akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode III tahun 2020. Akreditasi berlaku selama 5 (lima) tahun, yaitu Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 hingga Volume 5, Nomor 2 Tahun 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Jurnal Riset Informatika was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every three months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September, and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika is a journal published by Kresnamedia Publisher. It has been accredited SINTA 3 (S3). Informatics Research Journal was originally intended to accommodate scientific papers from researchers and lecturers of Information Systems and Informatics Engineering study programs. Frequency of Publication: once every 3 months (4 times a year, namely March, June, September and December). ISSN (Printed): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topics to be published by the Journal of Informatics Research (JRI) are related to the accumulation/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and developing new ideas or proposals. Accepted manuscripts will be available online (free access).
All articles of Vol. 1. No. 1 Year 2018 are accredited Sinta 3 based on the decision of the Minister of Research and Technology No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, Scientific Journal accreditation rating Period III in 2020. Accreditation is valid for 5 (five) years, namely Volume 1, Number 1 of 2018, until Volume 5, Number 2 of 2022.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Jurnal Riset Informatika adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Kresnamedia. Jurnal Riset Informatika pada awalnya ditujukan untuk menampung karya tulis ilmiah dari para peneliti dan dosen program studi Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika. Frekuensi Terbit 3 bulan sekali (4 kali dalam setahun, yaitu Maret, Juni, September, dan Desember). ISSN (Tercetak): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topik yang akan diterbitkan oleh Jurnal Riset Informatika (JRI) berkaitan dengan akumulasi/akumulasi pengetahuan baru, pengamatan empiris atau hasil penelitian, dan pengembangan ide atau proposal baru. Naskah yang diterima akan tersedia secara online (akses gratis).
Semua artikel Vol. 1. No. 1 Tahun 2018 terakreditasi Sinta 3 berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200/M/KPT/2020, Peringkat akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode III tahun 2020. Akreditasi berlaku selama 5 (lima) tahun, yaitu Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 hingga Volume 5, Nomor 2 Tahun 2022.
Semua artikel Vol. 1. No. 1 Tahun 2018 terakreditasi Sinta 3 berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200/M/KPT/2020, Peringkat akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode III tahun 2020. Akreditasi berlaku selama 5 (lima) tahun, yaitu Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 hingga Volume 5, Nomor 2 Tahun 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Kresnamedia. Jurnal Riset Informatika pada awalnya ditujukan untuk menampung karya tulis ilmiah dari para peneliti dan dosen program studi Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika. Frekuensi Terbit 3 bulan sekali (4 kali dalam setahun, yaitu Maret, Juni, September, dan Desember). ISSN (Tercetak): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topik yang akan diterbitkan oleh Jurnal Riset Informatika (JRI) berkaitan dengan akumulasi/akumulasi pengetahuan baru, pengamatan empiris atau hasil penelitian, dan pengembangan ide atau proposal baru. Naskah yang diterima akan tersedia secara online (akses gratis).
Semua artikel Vol. 1. No. 1 Tahun 2018 terakreditasi Sinta 3 berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200/M/KPT/2020, Peringkat akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode III tahun 2020. Akreditasi berlaku selama 5 (lima) tahun, yaitu Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 hingga Volume 5, Nomor 2 Tahun 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Kresnamedia. Jurnal Riset Informatika pada awalnya ditujukan untuk menampung karya tulis ilmiah dari para peneliti dan dosen program studi Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika. Frekuensi Terbit 3 bulan sekali (4 kali dalam setahun, yaitu Maret, Juni, September, dan Desember). ISSN (Tercetak): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topik yang akan diterbitkan oleh Jurnal Riset Informatika (JRI) berkaitan dengan akumulasi/akumulasi pengetahuan baru, pengamatan empiris atau hasil penelitian, dan pengembangan ide atau proposal baru. Naskah yang diterima akan tersedia secara online (akses gratis).
Semua artikel Vol. 1. No. 1 Tahun 2018 terakreditasi Sinta 3 berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200/M/KPT/2020, Peringkat akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode III tahun 2020. Akreditasi berlaku selama 5 (lima) tahun, yaitu Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 hingga Volume 5, Nomor 2 Tahun 2022.
Jurnal Riset Informatika adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Kresnamedia. Jurnal Riset Informatika pada awalnya ditujukan untuk menampung karya tulis ilmiah dari para peneliti dan dosen program studi Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Informatika. Frekuensi Terbit 3 bulan sekali (4 kali dalam setahun, yaitu Maret, Juni, September, dan Desember). ISSN (Tercetak): 2656-1743, & ISSN (Online): 2656-1735. Topik yang akan diterbitkan oleh Jurnal Riset Informatika (JRI) berkaitan dengan akumulasi/akumulasi pengetahuan baru, pengamatan empiris atau hasil penelitian, dan pengembangan ide atau proposal baru. Naskah yang diterima akan tersedia secara online (akses gratis).
Semua artikel Vol. 1. No. 1 Tahun 2018 terakreditasi Sinta 3 berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Riset dan Teknologi No. 200/M/KPT/2020, Peringkat akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode III tahun 2020. Akreditasi berlaku selama 5 (lima) tahun, yaitu Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 hingga Volume 5, Nomor 2 Tahun 2022.
First Accreditation (2018-2022)
Second Accreditation (2022-2027)