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Second Accreditation (2022-2027)
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Jurnal Riset Informatika
An abstract is a brief description of the entire article or scientific paper, the contents of which contain four components, namely: (1) Research problem; (2) Research Objectives; (3) Method/Algorithm/approach used; (4) Research Results/Findings; (5) Research limitations/implications; and (6) Practical implications.
Abstracts are written in two languages, namely English and Indonesian. In addition, the abstract is written in one paragraph without footnotes or bibliographic quotations, single-spaced, and contains a maximum of 250 words and a minimum of 200 words in Indonesian, accompanied by keywords relevant to the research. Abstract in Indonesian adapts.
The introduction describes the background of the problem being solved and the issues related to the problem being solved. It contains the State of the Art (brief review of literature or previous research, 1-2 paragraphs) to justify or strengthen the statement of the latest research (novelty). ) or the significance or, scientific contribution, or originality of this article, and make sure there are references to articles from journals from the last 5 years.
Cite every research problem because other researchers must have done the research problem you raise. Also, cite the State of the Art that you wrote. Citations use APA edition 6 style.
Use the rules for paragraph spacing before 0-pt, spacing after 0-pt, and line spacing: single or 1 space only. Don't write the title of the article when writing the article objective. In the introduction, subtitles are not permitted. The maximum text length in the introduction is 2 pages, 1 spaced, font-name Cambria 10pt.
Research Method
The description of the results and discussion must be focused. If the article is an experiment, the results should be displayed in graph or table form.
Captions for images, graphs or charts (captions) use Cambria letters, with a font size of 10 and are written center below the image, while table captions are written center above the table.
Each figure or table must be given an identification number, title or description, for example: "Table 1. Frequency Distribution...". All text in the image/table must be legible, it must not be blurry.
Each figure/table must be referenced in the text. The reference method must not use location (eg, below, above, following, etc.). Refer to the table/image first in the text, then place the table or image or vice versa.
In tables, there should be no need for horizontal lines in the table's contents, just the headings and the bottom line. Each figure or table must be given a sequential number without including the chapter number (Table 1, NOT Table 4.1).
Each equation written must be given an equation number. Descriptions of symbols in equations are written in descriptive paragraphs, not listed items as in book writing. For example: "P represents pressure (atm), m represents mass (g), ....." (check the JRI template).
Results and Discussion
Conclusions must indicate the results obtained and their advantages and disadvantages. The conclusion is a synthesis of suitability between problems, objectives and results. The conclusion is sufficient to answer and is based on the problem or research objective. Implications or further research may be added. Writing it in paragraph form is best, not list item/numbering/point-point form.
The bibliography is sorted alphabetically using APA edition 6 style. Everything referred to in the article must be written in the bibliography, and everything written in the bibliography must be referenced in the article. In primary reference literature, at least 80 percent comes from primary literature/scientific journals (last 5 years) and 20 percent from literature from books (last 10 years). The minimum number of references in the bibliography is 20 references. Each reference item must include the DOI or URL of the journal article used. Use MENDELEY Reference Manager (recommendation)
An author publishing in Jurnal Riset Informatika (JRI) has agreed to the following terms:
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
First Accreditation (2018-2022)
Second Accreditation (2022-2027)