Publication Fee

All accepted articles will be charged a Publishing Process Fee to provide free access to readers and to cover peer-reviewer management costs, journal production costs, online hosting costs, plagiarism check costs, and long-term archiving. Notes: The Publishing Fee will be charged after the article is "Accepted" and will not affect the peer review process.
Article Publishing Cost (APC):
Charged to the Author in the amount of Rp. 500.000,- 
The publishing fee is intended for the operational needs of journal management, such as server rental payments, long-term electronic manuscript storage costs, manuscript management costs, and many other operational activities.
Fast Track Fee:
Charged to the Author outside the publishing fee. 
If you want FAST TRACK REVIEW, please send information to email: or Fast Response to WA Editor 087889809891, along with the title of the article, names of all authors, and paper ID when submitting the article. Articles will be processed after payment is received and proof of payment has been sent by Jurnal Riset Informatika. The Fast Track Review program does not guarantee that the submitted article will always be accepted.