Covid-19 Social Aid Admission Selection Using Simple Additive Weighting Method as Decision Support


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Covid-19, Simple Additive Weighting Method, Social Assistance


The process of receiving Covid-19 social assistance to residents who are recorded as social aid recipients in the RT.07 RW.10 Kp. Sukapura Jaya area is still uneven. The second problem is that there is no particular mathematical calculation to determine the value of the weight of the criteria, especially for residents who are recorded as receiving Covid-19 social aid in the RT.007 RW.10 Kp. Sukapura Jaya area. The gradual decline in social aid programs so that the number that falls does not match the data of social aid recipients. This caused a polemic for RT administrators in distributing social aid programs. The decline in social aid programs does not match the number of citizens recorded. It overcomes citizens who cause social jealousy—analyzing the problems experienced by the RT management in the distribution of Covid-19 social assistance, especially the RT.07 RW.10 Kp. Sukapura Jaya area to residents who are recorded as recipients. Selecting Covid-19 social assistance recipients, especially in the RT.07 RW.10 Kp. Sukapura Jaya area. So the application of methods as decision support is needed, and it is needed to help determine the weight of particular criteria for citizens who are recorded as more in need. This study proposes a decision support method using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, which is expected to help decision-making in solving problems for selecting Covid-19 social aid recipients in the RT.07 RW.10 Kp. Sukapura Jaya community. The purpose of the study is to select residents who are recorded to receive social aid who are more in need first will get Covid-19 social aid.


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How to Cite

Setiyorini, T., Frieyadie, F., & Pratama, A. Y. (2023). Covid-19 Social Aid Admission Selection Using Simple Additive Weighting Method as Decision Support. Jurnal Riset Informatika, 5(3), 379–386.




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