Covid-19, Forecasting, Linear Regression, Neural NetworkAbstract
The emergence of the Covid-19 outbreak for the first time in China killed thousands to millions of people. Since the beginning of its emergence, the number of cases of Covid-19 has continued to increase until now. The increase in Covid-19 cases has a very bad impact on health and social and economic life. The need for future forecasting to predict the number of deaths and recoveries from cases that occur so that the government and the public can understand the spread, prevent and plan actions as early as possible. Several previous studies have forecast the future impact of Covid-19 using the Machine Learning method. Time series forecasting uses traditional methods with Linear Regression or Artificial Intelligence methods with neural networks. The research proves a linear relationship in the time series data of Covid-19 recovered cases in China, so it is proven that Linear Regression performance is better than the Neural Network.
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