Inventory, Java Programing, Material Requirement Planning, SDLCAbstract
Inventory has an important role in business activities. This is because inventory has an effect on changes in the production market and anticipates price changes in the demand for many goods. PT. Barkah Jaya Mandiri is a company engaged in manufacturing where the management of inventory at the company is still done conventionally. This causes various problems such as the occurrence of discrepancies in the stock of goods, discrepancies in data and final reports as well as obstacles in the production process in the event of a shortage or excess of raw materials. (Material Requirement Planning) in order to overcome the problems that occur in the company. The combination of the SDLC model and data collection techniques including observation, interviews and literature study were also carried out in this study in order to achieve the system that will be built to suit the targeted needs. With this system, the management of inventory data at this company can be done easily and accurately and save time compared to the previous system, so that the procurement of manufacturing raw materials is optimal and employee performance is better.
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