Comparison of KNN and SVM Algorithms in Facial Image Recognition Using Haar Wavelet Feature Extraction
accuracy, facial image recognition, feature extraction, Haar Wavelet, low dimension, KNN algorithm, SVM algorithmAbstract
To process all the pixels in the face image, feature extraction can be performed using the Haar Wavelet method so that it processes identifiers with lower dimensions. However, a classification algorithm must separate the distance between classes with minimal data to classify low-dimensional facial images. KNN and SVM algorithms are classifiers that can be used for facial image recognition. When classifying images, SVM creates a hyperplane, divides the input space between classes and classifies based on which side of the hyperplane the unclassified object is placed when it is placed in the input space. KNN uses a voting system to determine which class an unclassified object belongs to, taking into account the nearest neighbor class in the decision space. When classifying, KNN will generally classify accurately, resulting in some minor misclassifications that plagued the final classified image. This study aims to compare the two algorithms on image identifiers with low dimensions resulting from haar wavelet extraction. The research results obtained are facial image classification using the haar wavelet extraction method using the SVM algorithm to obtain an accuracy of 98.8%. Whereas when using the KNN algorithm, the accuracy obtained is 96.6%. The results of this study show that the SVM algorithm produces better accuracy in facial image recognition using haar wavelet feature extraction compared to the KNN algorithm. The SVM algorithm can recognize facial images even though it uses image training data with various face poses and sizes, resulting in higher accuracy.
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