Sentiment Analysis of E-Grocery Application Reviews Using Lexicon-Based and Support Vector Machine
Sentiment Analysis, E-Grocery, Lexicon Based, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Application ReviewsAbstract
This research aims to conduct sentiment analysis of e-grocery application reviews using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. Sentiment analysis is used to distinguish between positive and negative reviews by users who have provided reviews so that an evaluation of the services offered can be made. This research uses scraping techniques to obtain all the needed review data, focusing only on reviews of the Segari and Sayurbox applications. Datasets were collected from reviews using a library in Python, namely, google-play-scraper, obtained by the sayurbox application 4235 reviews and the segari application 5575. The dataset collected does not yet have a label, and the labeling process is impossible to perform manually by looking at the reviews one by one because it takes a long time and requires an expert in the field of language who can interpret the reviews and group them into positive and negative sentiments. Therefore, the sentiment-labeling process applies a lexicon-based method that works based on the inset lexicon dictionary by calculating each review's polarity value. The analysis process of this research uses the SVM algorithm because the SVM method has been proven to provide consistent and accurate results in various classification tasks, including sentiment analysis. The results show that the lexicon-based method and SVM produce good accuracy in determining the sentiment of e-grocery reviews, with a vegetable box application accuracy rate of 94%. In comparison, the segari application accuracy rate reached 97%.
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