Classification of Patient Satisfaction Level on Health Services Using the C4.5 Algorithm
Patient satisfaction level, C4.5 algorithm, health servicesAbstract
Quality health services are related to patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction can be used as a benchmark for improving the quality of health services. Problems often occur when implementing health techniques, such as service problems at the Restu Clinic. Patients and their families indicated that although the Restu Clinic was established with adequate facilities, it had not yet reached the maximum level of service. These indications include long waiting times for examinations, a lack of thoroughness by medical personnel, and services that are not timely. Service quality cannot be separated from the dimensions that are the core of quality services, which are expected to meet patient needs. Patient satisfaction is considered an important indicator of good quality. This research will only discuss four aspects of service quality, which are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, from health workers at the Restu Clinic. The C4.5 algorithm is known to be superior in producing decision trees that efficiently solve discrete and numerical variables and provide satisfactory accuracy. Therefore, the author conducted a study to assess service quality using the C4.5 algorithm. This research aims to determine the factors that influence the quality of health services and to know patient satisfaction with health services at the Restu Clinic. Knowing the intensity of patient satisfaction with services at the Restu Clinic can improve the quality of optimal services and gain patients' trust in government agencies.
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