Application of Social Network Analysis for Comparison and Ranking of Internet Service Providers


  • Tedy Setiadi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Gilang Mukharom Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Beni Suhendra Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Syauqi Bima Telkom University
(*) Corresponding Author



Social Network Analysis, Network Properties, Sentiment Analysis, Internet Service Providers


In this digital era, the Internet has become a basic necessity in life. This has had a significant impact on the growth of internet service provider (ISP) companies in Indonesia. Comparison and ranking of ISPs is needed to make it easier for users to choose services according to their needs as well as to encourage healthy competition between ISPs in improving their services. The problem is ranking ISPs using conventional methods (surveys) to obtain primary data is expensive and takes a long time. On the other hand, Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a method that has been widely used to understand customer desires by extracting information from social media. This information is in the form of User Generated Content (UGC), namely track records left by customers on social media. This research aims to measure the ISP rankings of Indihome, Biznet and FirstMedia using UGC data. The research method used is to collect consumer tweet data rapidly, carry out preprocessing to eliminate irrelevant data and apply SNA, including network structure analysis in the form of visualization and network property analysis with the Gephi application, as well as network content analysis in the form of sentiment analysis and WordCloud analysis. The number of dominant network properties and sentiment analysis calculates ISP ranking. Apart from that, the results of this SNA are in the form of recommendations for ISPs to improve services to customers.


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How to Cite

Setiadi, T., Mukharom, G., Suhendra, B., & Bima, S. (2024). Application of Social Network Analysis for Comparison and Ranking of Internet Service Providers. Jurnal Riset Informatika, 6(2), 77–84.


