Application of Fuzzy C Means and Topsis in Warehouse Selection at PT. Warung Islami Bogor
Cluster, TOPSIS, WarehouseAbstract
PT Warung Islami Bogor needs a warehouse to store goods that come from suppliers. Currently, the selection of warehouses is still done manually and is subjective. It is feared that this will lead to inaccuracies in renting the warehouse. So an application is needed to assist companies in choosing a warehouse. The fuzzy C-Means method can be used to classify warehouse data based on the characteristics of each group. After obtaining the next group is to make a rating of each group. One method that can be used is the TOPSIS method. The TOPSIS method can be applied to this application to rank the data warehouses that have been grouped. In the selection of this warehouse, there are several criteria. The criteria used are price, building area, distance from the head office (HO), parking area, and number of floors. The calculation process is done by dividing the warehouse data into several groups and ranking them to obtain the best recommendations. This application uses the PHP programming language with the Laravel framework—testing using a black box. Fuzzy C-Means and TOPSIS calculations show that Warehouse CCC is the best warehouse in Cluster 1 with a value of 0.797, and the Warehouse in Front of Gas Station Villa Bogor Indah is the best in Cluster 2 with a value of 0.613.
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