An Interactive Medium to Introduce Sasando Traditional Music Using Multimedia Development Life Cycle Method
Adobe Flash, Interaktive Media, Graphic, SasandoAbstract
ActionScript-based programming is one of the software which includes applications that teachers widely use to create interactive learning media in the world of education. ActionScript-based programming technology is a type of graphic animation software that can create a graphic object that can be animated without using other supporting software. At present, there are many educational circles to expedite the process of learning activities, especially for students. Interactive learning media is one means of delivering subject matter that is very important to apply today. In implementing student learning at school, it is necessary to present a practical and theoretical learning system which is the main point in helping to develop student competence. One form of culture in Indonesia is the traditional musical instrument Sasando. Sasando belongs to the chordophone instrument because it is played by picking it. The form of Sasando itself is in the form of a guitar, violin or harp. The central part of the Sasando is in the form of a long bamboo tube. In the middle, rounded from top to bottom, there is a wedge to stretch the strings. Developing interactive learning media requires a software development method; one of the development methods used is the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method. Making the MDLC has five stages: Concept, Design, Material Collecting, Assembly, and Testing.
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