Decision Support System for Selection of The Best Fuel for Households Using the Weighted Product (WP) Method


  • Yasmin Khairunnisa Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Dewi Primasari Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Nurul Kamilah Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
(*) Corresponding Author



Decision Support Systems, Fuels, Weighted Products


Fuel is one of the most critical needs for the community in carrying out various household activities dominated by fuel oil. Meanwhile, the availability of fuel is increasingly running low. Most people in the Botumoito area in Gorontalo province work in the agricultural sector with low local income. Availability of fuels such as kerosene and gas there is quite challenging because there is no source or supply of gas either directly from the gas field or terminal. The government needs to make the right policy on fuel selection according to the problems in the region. This research aims to design and build a decision support system for selecting the best fuel and implementing the Weighted Product (WP) method into the system. The method used in designing and manufacturing this system is the waterfall method. This research results in a decision support system that can help fuel ranking. The ranking results are based on the magnitude of the Vector (V) value obtained from testing ten alternative fuels. Bioethanol occupies the top priority with a vector value of 0.152. This research can help consultants, fuel experts, and local governments speed up their work in determining the best household fuel according to their respective regions.


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How to Cite

Khairunnisa, Y., Primasari, D., & Kamilah, N. (2023). Decision Support System for Selection of The Best Fuel for Households Using the Weighted Product (WP) Method. Jurnal Riset Informatika, 5(2), 245–252.




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