Mobile Based Student Presence System Using Haar Cascade and Eigenface Facial Recognition Methods
Eigenface, Haar Cascade Classifier, presence systemAbstract
Using biometric technology for recording attendance in the school environment is still not widely done by researchers. In this study, a solution was proposed to the problems that occurred in the school environment where parents/guardians could not monitor the presence of their children in school. The solution offered is a student attendance recording system based on facial recognition algorithms (face recognition). The built system can record the presence of students when entering the classroom and when returning home or out of class. Proposed methods for identifying student attendance are the Haar Cascade and Eigenface algorithms. The system can also provide notice of attendance or absence of students in real time to parents/guardians via email that has been registered. Based on the test results, the method can provide accurate and fast facial recognition results. The presence system developed based on mobile can recognize faces up to a distance of 200-300 cm with low and moderate light intensity.
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