Evaluation of Machine Learning Using the K-NN Algorithm To Determine the Quality of Meat Before Consumption


  • Feronika Feronika Universitas Labuhanbatu
  • Masrizal Masrizal Universitas Labuhanbatu
  • Ibnu Rasyid Munthe Universitas Labuhanbatu
(*) Corresponding Author




Acidity Prediction, Flexibility Prediction, Meat, Machine Learning, K-NN Algorithm, R Language


Meat is one of the sources of animal protein for humans, and one of the requirements that must be met so that the human body does not lack protein, especially animal; this protein can be obtained from beef, chicken, and other meats, but the most important thing here is the content contained in meat, whether it has been contaminated with chemicals, e.g., chicken that has been injected with chemicals that cause the chicken to look fat, or beef whose flexibility has decreased and the pH is getting more acidic. This research tries to predict meat quality by looking at two parameters: flexibility and acidity. The programming language used is R Language, using the k-NN method or Algorithm to determine the meat's condition suitable for consumption. In detail, it will be processed in Machine Learning using the k-NN Algorithm; there are two criteria for consumption of meat, namely good or not good for consumption; in detail, the output will be explained using a specific graph using a plot function, and array data will be specifically classified to represent values. The value of 2 variables, namely feasible or not suitable for consumption.


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How to Cite

Feronika, F., Masrizal, M., & Munthe, I. R. (2023). Evaluation of Machine Learning Using the K-NN Algorithm To Determine the Quality of Meat Before Consumption. Jurnal Riset Informatika, 5(2), 171–176. https://doi.org/10.34288/jri.v5i2.205




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